Monday, January 9, 2017

Following up on my trip to Canada

In August I traveled to the Niagara Falls on a vacation to travel the world on a relaxing moment, But I went with an eye on a mission all these years I came to Canada I was always wondering where people with disabilities were and why accessibility was so limited. I have never seen a high population of people with disabilities especially youth and young adults with disabilities. 
While being there I found out answers that truly didn't surprise me but shock me as well. I always want to connect with people with disabilities in Canada so I can begin to do my out reach and expand my advocacy in different states.
I was lucky enough this time while being there I saw two people with disabilities for the first time and my dad and I networked and reach out to one of the indivduals who turned out to be an advocate too and answered my wondering questions which helped me developed my future trip. 
Then my family decides to go Downtown Toronto but I couldn't go because I was told the train was not accessible and places downtown Toronto was not very accessible and it was a rainy day I  still wanted to go an see the accessibility barriers in my eyes because accessibility issues has different perceptions especially when you are able bodied. Its all opinion based instead so I begin to do my research but yet to complete my mission.
I  want back to visit a Burger King there to see if they created accessible seating and no changes has been made after speaking to them about it in past visits.
My plan is to travel back to Canada on a mission to visit the Council of Canada and Human Rights resources to complete my mission to expand my advocacy after I connect with the Disability Rights advocate who my dad spoke with an told my dad the accessibility is not that great and when we speak up its like they are thrown under the bus.
Thank you for sharing this with me and my dad and hope to do team work with you!!
Carrying on my mission..
Here is a picture of the first time I visited the burger King..
I got more pictures to add Stay Tune For Updates.. 

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